Sign up for a 4-week clerkship: click on the Monday you wish to start your rotation and select one of the 8 applicable, available slots. Please note that these slots are limited and fill up quickly, so we encourage you to complete the demographic information as soon as possible.
Clerkships must begin on a Monday and end on the Friday 4 weeks later
All rotating students must be on active duty orders (USUHS student or HPSP on AFIT approved ADT orders)
At this time, only MS-IV clerkships are offered
Only 8 students may rotate at any given time, 6 HPSP and 2 USUHS
Complete and return the required paperwork: click this **LINK** and follow the instructions to complete the documents and training that are required prerequisites to the rotation. Return the forms and certificates by e-mail to the following address:
Once steps 1 & 2 are completed, you will receive an email confirming your rotation. You will receive further welcome information and instructions as your clerkship start date approaches.
If applying for emergency medicine residency, remember to sign up for an interview during your clerkship: and select “EM Interview Schedule.”